Yaml Basics

Yaml Basics


YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization format. In simpler terms, it's a way to represent data in a format that is easy for humans to read and write, but also easy for machines to parse and generate.

Imagine you are a game developer working on a new game. You need to define the attributes of different characters in the game, such as their name, health points, attack power, and special abilities. You could use YAML to represent this data in a clear and structured way:

- name: John
  hp: 100
  attack: 20
    - name: Fireball
      damage: 40
      cost: 20
    - name: Heal
      restore: 30
      cost: 15
- name: Mary
  hp: 120
  attack: 18
    - name: Ice Blast
      damage: 35
      cost: 18
    - name: Shield
      defense: 20
      cost: 12

In this example, the attributes of each character are represented as key-value pairs, with nested structures for their special abilities.

One of the benefits of using YAML is that it's easy to read and edit. You can quickly make changes to the data without having to worry about syntax or formatting. Additionally, because YAML is a plain text format, it's easy to version control and collaborate on, with other team members.


Here's a brief overview of YAML syntax with examples of each:


YAML uses indentation to indicate the nesting of data structures. Each level of indentation should be two spaces.

For example:

  first: John
  last: Smith

In this example, the "name" key contains a map (key-value pairs) with two keys, "first" and "last", each with a value.

Key-value pairs

YAML uses key-value pairs to represent data. Keys are separated from values by a colon followed by a space.

For example:

age: 30

In this example, the "age" key has a value of 30.


YAML supports lists, which are represented by starting a line with a dash followed by a space.

For example:

  - apple
  - banana
  - orange

In this example, the "fruits" key contains a list of three items: "apple", "banana", and "orange".


YAML allows you to include comments in your data using the pound (#) symbol. Comments should be on a new line and start with the pound symbol.

For example:

# This is a comment
name: John # This is another comment

In this example, the first line is a comment, and the second line contains a key-value pair with a comment on the same line.

Multiline strings

YAML allows you to represent multiline strings using the pipe (|) or greater-than (>) symbols. The pipe symbol preserves newlines, while the greater-than symbol removes them.

Example 1.

description: |
  This is a

In this example, the "description" key contains a multiline string with three lines.

Example 2.

description: >
  This is a

In this example, the "description" key contains a multiline string with three lines. However, because the greater-than (>) symbol is used, the newlines are removed and the string is concatenated into a single line. viz:

This is a multiline string.

Note: Any leading or trailing whitespace on each line is also removed when using the greater-than (>) symbol. If you want to preserve the newlines, you should use the pipe symbol (|) instead.

Anchors and aliases

YAML allows you to define "anchors" or "aliases" for values that you may want to use repeatedly. To define an anchor, use the ampersand (&) followed by a name. To reference the anchor, use the asterisk (*) followed by the name.

For example:

defaults: &defaults
  timeout: 30
  retries: 3

  <<: *defaults
  timeout: 60

In this example, the "defaults" anchor is defined as a map with two keys, "timeout" and "retries". The "production" section then references the "defaults" anchor using the <<: *defaults syntax, which means "merge the contents of the 'defaults' anchor into this section". The "timeout" key is then overridden with a value of 60.

Data Structures

In YAML, lists and dictionaries are popular data structures used for organizing and representing data.


In YAML, a list is represented as a sequence of items, where each item is separated by a dash (-) and a space.


- apples
- bananas
- oranges

This YAML represents a list of three items: "apples", "bananas", and "oranges". Each item is represented as a plain scalar value.

Lists are used to store ordered collections of items.


In YAML, a dictionary is represented as a mapping of key-value pairs, where each key-value pair is represented as a colon (:) and a space.


name: John Smith
age: 30
email: john@example.com

This YAML represents a dictionary with three key-value pairs: "name" is mapped to "John Smith", "age" is mapped to 30, and "email" is mapped to "john@example.com". Each key is represented as a plain scalar value, and each value can be a scalar value, a list, a dictionary, or a combination of these.

Lists of dictionaries

In YAML, a list of dictionaries is represented as a sequence of mappings, where each mapping represents a dictionary.


- name: John Smith
  age: 30
  email: john@example.com
- name: Jane Doe
  age: 25
  email: jane@example.com

This YAML represents a list of two dictionaries. Each dictionary has three key-value pairs: "name", "age", and "email". The first dictionary maps "name" to "John Smith", "age" to 30, and "email" to "john@example.com". The second dictionary maps "name" to "Jane Doe", "age" to 25, and "email" to "jane@example.com". Each key and value is indented to indicate its position within the dictionary.

Lists of dictionaries are used to store collections of related data, where each item in the list represents a unique record or entity, and each dictionary represents a set of attributes for that record or entity.

Lists vs Dictionaries

One of the key differences is that YAML lists are always ordered, while YAML dictionaries are always unordered. This means that when you define a YAML list, the order of the elements is preserved, and when you define a YAML dictionary, the order of the key-value pairs is not guaranteed.

Example YAML list:

  - apple
  - banana
  - orange

In this example, the "fruits" key is associated with a list of three fruits. The order of the fruits in the list is preserved when the YAML is parsed, so "apple" is the first fruit, "banana" is the second, and "orange" is the third.

Example YAML dictionary:

  name: Alice
  age: 25
  occupation: Programmer

In this example, the "person" key is associated with a dictionary of attributes for a person. The order of the attributes in the dictionary is not guaranteed, so the YAML parser might store the attributes in a different order than they appear in the file.

To illustrate this further, let's consider the following example YAML dictionary with the same keys as the previous example:

  occupation: Programmer
  age: 25
  name: Alice

Even though the key-value pairs are listed in a different order, the YAML parser will still recognize this as the same dictionary as in the previous example.


YAML is a versatile and powerful tool for working with data. Its simple, human-readable syntax makes it easy to create and maintain data structures, from simple lists and dictionaries to complex hierarchies.

YAML might not be the most exciting topic, but it's an essential part of the modern software development stack. Without YAML, developers would have to resort to more complex and less readable formats, leading to more bugs, longer development times, and increased frustration.

So next time you're working with YAML, take a moment to appreciate its elegance and simplicity. And remember, no matter how complex your data structure may be, YAML is there to make it a little bit easier to work with.